Namche után tovább vándoroltunk, és már egy óra után megpillanthattuk ismét az Everestet. A nap vège fele rododendron erdök közt értünk fel Tengboche-ba, 3850 m-re. Mikor megérkeztünk, minden felhös volt, de este megint kitisztult, és kiderült, hogy rengeteg hegy vesz körül, minden iránybòl. Este még egy buddhista kolostorban tartott szertartáson is részt vettünk. Kicsit vicces, hogy nappal egy pòlòban menetelünk, míg este fel kell venni a legmelegebb cuccainkat, mivel a szobákban semmi fütés nincs.
A következö nap vége a 4400 m-en lévö Dingboche volt, ahol kettöt aludtunk akklimatizaciò céljábòl. Másnap meghódítottunj egy 5073 m-es hegyet, elég lassan a magasság miatt. A kilátás páratlan.
Ahogy megyünk feljebb, ùgy az árak is, föleg a vízè, bár én ahhoz víztisztítò tablettát használok, ùgyhogy inkább elfürdöm az árát a melegvizes zuhanyban.
Ma elèrtük Lobuchet, hòesésben, 4900 m-en vagyunk, és most már nekem is fáj a fejem, ùgyhogy azt hiszem, kelleni fog a magadhegyi gyógyszer. A szobákban kb 0 fok van, a közösségi helyiségben fütenek kicsit. Hùst már 3 napja nem ettem. Holnap irány az alaptábor!
Sorry but now there won’t be many representative pictures as they are coming only from my mobile and as I have only my mobile with me, I can’t transfer them from the camera.
Everest which is on the left, the one where the cloud starts
After Namche we continued our way higher up, it was very scenic, only after 1 hour we could already catch a glimpse of Everest. Then we descended into the valley and then went up again and passed doses of rhododendron trees. So the last part was very steep up again, leaving not so much oxygen for us. We arrived to Tengboche at 3850 m in the afternoon when everything was covered in clouds and was raining a bit. But after some hours the view cleared up and discovered that we are surrounded by mountains in every directions. When the weather is clear even the top of Everest is visible. Here the temperature should be below zero during the night (hopefully not in the rooms). There is still an option for hot shower, which I took and will do until I have the chance even if it costs. The funny thing that during the day it is very hot and we are walking in T-shirt but in the evening you need every clothes you have to go out and during the night it is really freezing but thankfully the sleeping bag protects me well. At this stage I don’t have any symptoms for high altitude sickness but some people experience headache and difficulty of sleeping. Saturation is still 92%.
An other funny thing just came into my mind. We are in a parallel world as in Kathmandu we are jumping on the side not to be hit by a car or motorbike. Here the same thing, just with yaks and donkeys..
So another day, which we started in bright sunshine and a view of Everest which followed us until lunch. Not that steep ascends which was great because our group is getting slower and slower. We arrived at 4400 m in Dingboche which is quite a big village considering the altitude. Now the prices also went up and we got advised not to eat meat anymore as it is not that safe (if you think about the transportation). We are quite tired but all good so far.
The next day we did another acclimatisation from Dingboche up to a mountain at 5073 m (called Nangkhartsang). It took a bit more than 3 hours and was really tough because of the altitude. So at the end we took 2 steps and than had to stop for a while. The view was indeed great, we were surrounded by mountains from every directions, like the magnificient Ama Dablam and we cought a glimpse of Island Peak too which 2 of our team members are going to climb (it is over 6000 m). Now some of us sitting in a nice cafe which is warm, has wifi and cinnamon rolls. What else you can wish for at 4400 m.
Yak with rhododendron
So today we continued our way towards base camp and after a 6 hours walk (with lunch break) we reached Lobuche which is at 4900 m. Only after one hour it started to snow and it is still snowing in the evening. I also started to feel the symptoms of altitude sickness in the form of headache which has been only mildly improving after taking ibuprofen. So probably I am voing to start to take altitude medicine (Acetazolamide) but still I will be between the last ones in the group. Thankfully no other symptoms yet but we are going to sleep 2 more nights at a higher altitude. In the guest house there are quite many people and in the rooms it is about 0 degree. Surprisingly there is hot shower which I couldn’t stand not have despite the increasing price. So tomorrow we are going to take the trip to the base camp, around 6 hours trip in probably a lot of snow. Hope for the best. Saturation is at 83% and I haven’t eaten meat for 3 days (maybe a record?).
The weather now in Lobuche