2022. április 2., szombat

Mardi Himal in the clouds

Viszonylag règen írtam, mert mindig törtènt valami. Közben mèg pàr napot operàltam a plasztikai sebèsszel, nèha berepült egy lègy is, így mèg jó, hogy a mütö tartozèka volt az elektromos lègycsapó is. Közben talàlkoztam itt pàr amerikaival, akikkel pàrszor elmentünk vacsoràzni, így nem voltam annyira egyedül. Meglàtogattam a Nemzetközi Hegy Múzeumot, ami a 80-as èveket idèzte vissza, volt benne pl. kitömött jeti. Felmàsztam a Vilàgbèke pagodàhoz, amihez àt kellett evezni a tó túloldalàra egy csónakos ember segítsègèvel, aztàn csak felfelè 1 óràs kiràndulàs 30 fokban. Hàt, ezek utàn mèrsèkelten volt èrdekes. Kipróbàltam a siklóernyözèst is 1600 m magasból (túl olcsó volt, hogy kihagyjam), ez volt az egyik legjobb döntèsem eddig. Kiràndultam is sajàt túravezetövel meg sherpàval így hàrmasban a Mardi Himal nevü úton, 4 napig. ELvileg innen nagyon szèp az Annapurna hegyvonulat. Ezt a túra soràn kb 1 óràt sikerült làtni, amúgy felhöben meneteltünk, de vègül 3500 m magasra èrtünk fel. Elsö èjszaka a szobàt egy egèrrel osztottam meg, de aztàn kiküldtem az ajtón ès remènykedtem, hogy nem jön vissza. A szàllàst ès kajàt teahàzakban oldottuk meg, elèg pórias körülmènyek között, de legalàbb nem kellett sàtrazni. A következö àllomàs Tansen.

It’s been a while since I wrote so I will try to remember what has happened so far. My days at Green Pastures Hospital became better and better towards the end (it is always like this...). I continued to assist to Dr Suraj the plastic surgeon on different plastic and hand surgical cases.He told me he is trying to collect cases for this week for me. Ok, so otherwise he is not doing that..? :-) Sometimes a fly came in to the OR so the electrical fly swatter came handy.

Here is the proof that I have really been inside a hospital :-D

Here I also met with a group of Americans who were doing some research on different prosthetics. A couple of times I went to have dinner with them in Pokhara which was nice. One evening I was invited by the expats to play ultimate frisbee at the hospitals football field. Was quite an experience in the heat and humidity and considering that I didn’t do too much sports in the last weeks. 
On an other afternoon I visited the International Mountain Museum which was nearby the Hospital which was a huge museum but stucked a little bit in the 80’s design. 

Yeti and yak, contemporary from the 80s

One day I climbed up to World Peace Pagoda so now it is not on me if it’s not gonna be world peace. For this I had to get to the other side of the lake by boat which could be rented only with a driver. Was really romantic just me and a nepali guy in a boat. He even waited for me 2 hours to return as it took really at least an hour to climb up to the mountain top to see the stupa in about 30 degrees heat. From there you were supposed to see the Himalaya mountain range. I did not (clouds, pollution, who knows).

This is a hindu temple on an island on the lake. If you are interested how the Peace Stupa looks like, I recommend google, my pictures are not better than that and you might even see how it is when you can see mountains from there (I did not..)

I even tried paragliding here as it was too cheap to not to. We went up to 1600 m (from 900 m) by a jeep in which we were 13 people (on max 9 seats). I have to say it was an even better experience than I expected. The whole ride was about 20 mins with great views from above and wasn’t scary at all.

Then as the Annapurna range was so close I couldn’t stand not to do some hike nearby. I got some recommendation earlier from the french girl in Kathmandu about the Mardi Himal trek which is a relative new route with spectacular views. Can be done in 3-8 days, I opted for the shorter version as I didn’t have too much time. Here for almost all the treks you need to have a guide and often a porter and the treks are organised by a trekking agency. It is not very adviseable to trek alone. First I wanted to join some group but it turned out there are only a few tourists now and everyone wants to do different treks in different times. So after I checked 4-5 trekking agencies I ended up with one I found nice and also because they put a part of money in an orphanage which is run by the boss of the agency. So I started my journey with a guide called Sanjeeb and a porter called Arjun who was carrying my stuff in a blue Ikea bag (what else) that I got from home. 

Rhododendron in the forest (there were many of them)

The first yak (hope not the last) I have seen. Turned out they like to hide in the forest.

We started from about 1600 m in a village called Kande and on the first day walked up to about 2500 m to Forest camp (not Forest Gump). On the way we met a dutch couple whom we were trekking together about 2 days. Was nice to have some Europeans also, although I had really nice conversations with Sanjeeb about almost everything. On the first night it turned out I shared a room with a mouse but after I discovered that I opened the door and showed him out which was working but of course I didn’t sleep anything after. The second day we went up to 3500 m, there we have seeen a bit of snow also so the temperature must have been below zero. Of the famous view we couldn’t see anything as it was covered by clouds, but still it was beautiful.

At the accomodation there was no running water (but at least no mouse either) as the pipes were frozen but they had some reserve so I still managed to take my evening “shower” with one liter of water (at least not wasting). Surprisingly I didn’t freeze at night, my sleeping bag turns out to be very warm. What did we eat? On the whole way there are a lot of tea houses for food and accomodation,  most of them were empty because of only a few tourists. All of them had the same menu, the prices went up as the altitude raise. So mostly dal bhat (rice with lentils), pasta with veg, spring rolls with the same veg and momo. 
On the morning of the third day we finally saw the Annapurna mountains at sunrise! Was great! we went up a little bit more from High camp to take the photos and an hour later everything was gone again. 

Annapurna South (on the left) 

My guide (on the left) and porter 

On the last day we descended from 3500 m down to 1500 m, after which I almost couldn’t walk for 3 days. Even went for a massage the next day which was almost even more painful. Anyway I have to say I didn’t think trekking alone only with a guide and a porter can be that much fun! On my last day in Pokhara I gave a last chance for the mountains to be visible and took a taxi at 5 am to Sarangkot hill where you are supposed to see the sunrise with the Himalayan. Not a good idea, clouds as always, maybe more than any other days. No more waking up early for me. I will wait tills the mountains come to me instead. :-)

Next stop is Tansen, 111 km from Pokhara, 4-5 hours by bus.

The way of transportation, the jeep is never full.. (I haven’t tried it yet)

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