2022. április 26., kedd

Everest Base camp trek - the beginnings

Most kezdödik az igazi kaland! Már találkoztam a magyarokkal, akikkel az Everest alaptáborába fogunk indulni. Ehhez egy nagyon luxus hotel járt, ahol 2 éjszakát töltöttünk. A következò napot a hoányzò felszerelések veszerzésével töltöttük a kathmandui piacon, ahol kb minden tùrafelszerelés kaphatò minimum féláron (mondjuk hamisítottan, de minöségileg elèg jò). Az estét a pakolással töltöttük, mivel egy porter jut 2 emberre, így egy ember max 12,5 kg-ot vihet. Az én táskám a 6 hét alatt szaporodott, így a cucc nagy részét a hotelben hagytam. Következö nap 06.30-kor már a Lukla felé tartò repülön ültünk, a világ legveszélyesebbnek tartott reptere felé. Hát ugrált kicsit, és tényleg hegyek közt szállt le egy fél òra után. Innen rögtön továbbindultunk Phakdingba, kb 3 òrás ùt volt, rengeteg szamárral és teherhordò jakokkal találkoztunk. Másnap a következö állomás Namche bazaar volt, ami már 3400 m-en fekszik, ez az utolsò nagyobb település. A hálòzsákom esdig jòl bírja a hideget. Teaházakban alszunk mondjuk, nem sátorban, de fütés nincs. Viszont van fizetös melegzuhany meg áram. 
Ma pedig akklimatizáciòs tùrára indultunk 3800 m-re, ahonnan már láthattuk az Everestet! Holnap irány tovább!

So the big adventure begins. I already met with my Hungarian buddies in Kathmandu and stayed in a very fancy hotel which probably would have costed more than what I paid nearly for a week altogether :D . I spent a day afterwords buying a lot of stuffs for the trekking, even though I thought I already have had  everything. But was too tempting that here everything is just too cheap (and probably fake but who cares). It is like a huge outdoor shop in a whole city. We spent the evening packing as there is a limit on the flight to the start of the trek (16 kg) and also a limit how much luggage a porter can carry (25 kg for two person). Good that I had a portable weighting device which became very popular. Also my luggage during the 6 weeks was growing constantly so the pack I left at the hotel for the trekking period was almost bigger than the one I took with me (in an Ikea bag, to be stylish).

So we woke at 4 am, and left the hotel at 5 am and surprisingly smoothly we were already on the plane a bit after 6 am. The flight from Kathmandu to Lukla takes about 30 mins and the airport is considered to be the most dangerous in the world because of the closeness of the mountains, unpredictable weather and very short road for the plane. But we survived! We were not more than 15 people on it so you can imagine the plane is not huge and stable.. The views in Lukla were mesmorizing (and a bit cold). So from 2800 m we had to go first a bit down to Phakding to 2650 m (about 3-4 hours). We arrived here quite early at around 12 am. In the evening we had a relativaly eide selection of dinner options, considering that we are in the middle of the mountains already. I took some smashed potatoes with some chicken and vegetables. 

After a good night sleep, we started again at 8 am towards Namche basaar which is the last bigger village on the way to the base camp and lays at 3400 m. We were walking along the river and passed numerous hanging bridges, some of them laying very high up. 

The other half of the day the route was quite steep, so the total difference was about 1100 m for the whole day. Now we are surrounded by a lot of mountains and the temperature feels like being below zero at least during the night. We are sleeping in an other tea house which has warm shower that is great (even if it costs about 1,5 euro). Even here I could eat grilled chicken with some vegetables (chicken sizzler). Otherwise drinking water costs also a lot in the mountains but I use chlorid tablets and so far it is working (and not producing plastic waste). Here you have to pay even for electricity and wifi. But otherwise in the town there is really everything, even ATM and North face shop and an Irish pub. 
The sleeping bag is working well too, sometimes even too warm. We are going to stay in Namche for an other extra day to do an acclimatisation trek tomorrow. Saturation is 92% (blood oxygen level).

So the next day we went up to the Everest view point at 3800 m and we got to see Everest! Was amazing! The way up was not that easy, you can’t really walk fast at this altitude, we started to struggle. We have even visited Nepal’s highest airport which I think was more like a helicopter landing spot. Quite many tourists here but still not that crowded as expected. Tomorrow we continue our way higher up. Internet is not sure to have. 

Not Everest

Everest. Not the highest one but somewhere between my head and the high peak (which is Ama Dablam)

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